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2024 Baby Bottle Campaign

Thank you for participating in this year’s Baby Bottle Campaign, helping kids in our community get the best start.

Where do donations go?

All donations will go toward supporting the more than 3,000 clients we see annually. These clients may be coming for a pregnancy test and information about their options, maternity and baby clothing, birth parent support or post-abortion support, or even a fatherhood class. Many people think the Centre is only for young women and only there for the moments before a decision is made, but it is so much more than that. 

We meet clients, whether male, female, young, or old, at their point of need – whatever that may be.

  • For Susan, it was a pregnancy that was unplanned, and her relationship with the father of the baby was uncertain. She needed encouragement and support to believe she could do this – even if she had to do it as a single mom. 
  • For Allison, it was adjusting to a new culture. She and her husband were thrilled when they found out she was pregnant, but they weren’t sure how to navigate this culture. We were able to help with baby clothes and prenatal classes, and they even made friends in our Mother Goose class. This helped give them the confidence they needed.
  • Blake, was a first-time father looking for any support he could find that would help guide him with knowledge in taking care of a baby. The phone calls and classes became a weekly life support as he learned to navigate a new role in an increasingly difficult situation.
  • Jacqueline, a mother of 2 beautiful twins, has been a client for a number of years now. We don’t see her as often as before, but she still drops by for a chat, encouragement, or even to celebrate small victories along the way.

Whatever the situation, we hope to help reduce the challenges that our clients are facing by meeting their immediate practical needs, but most of all we offer emotional and educational support for whatever lies ahead. We want our clients to be empowered to make decisions that are informed. Informed decisions lead to more positive outcomes.

Are you a church in need of materials to promote the Baby Bottle Campaign? 

Look no further!

Calgary Care Centre
205, 925 - 7th Ave, SW
Calgary, AB, T2P 1A5

Phone: 403-269-3112

Office Hours
Mon 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tues 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thurs 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm

Strathmore Care Centre
304 - 3rd Ave
Strathmore, AB T1P 1Z1

Phone: 403-934-3017

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 4:00pm (Closed Friday)
Call for appointment or walk-in

Airdrie Care Centre
204 - 1st Ave NE
Airdrie, Alberta T4B 0R4

Phone: 403-410-7900
24 Hr. Helpline: 403-269-3110

Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Call for an appointment or walk-in
Outside of regular office hours: 403-269-3110

The Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre relies on the kindness and generosity of individuals, families, corporations and churches to support its programs and participants. Donate Now!

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